Fang Feng

Fang Feng written in Chinese

Pinyin Name: Fang Feng

English Name: Radix Saposhnikoviae divaricatae

Other Names: Guan Fang Feng, Dong Fang Feng

Tastes: Acrid, Sweet, Slightly Warm

Origin: Mainly in the northeast of China

Benefits of Fang Feng:

Fang Feng covers four meridians of bladder, lung, spleen and liver. Main functions are expelling wind to relieve superficies, relieving pain by removing dampness, spasmolysis, relieving itching. Common uses and indications include exterior syndrome, headache, body pain, pain in rheumatoid arthritis, aching pain in joints, abdominal pain and diarrhea, discharging fresh blood stool, tetanus and more. Recommended dosage is from 5 to 10 grams.

Fang Feng is widely used in Chinese herbal formulas. 1) Fang Feng Tong Sheng San is formulated for obstruction of wind-heat and internal-external sthenia. Its ingredient herbs include Fang Feng, Jing Jie, Lian Qiao, Ma Huang, Bo He, Chuan Xiong and more. 2) Jiu Wei Qiang Huo Tang is designed for exogenous cold and dampness pathogens. Its ingredient herbs include Fang Feng, Qiang Huo, Cang Zhu, Xi Xin, Bai Zhi and more. 3) Xiao Feng San is used for eczema. Its ingredient herbs include Fang Feng, Dang Gui, Shu Di Huang, Zhi Mu, Ku Shen and more.

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