Traditional Chinese Medicine for Insomnia

From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, insomnia can be caused by many factors. Common factors are gallbladder disorder, liver qi stagnation, liver heat, disharmony between spleen and heart. Different types of insomnia point to problems in different internal organs. After the type of insomnia is identified, TCM practitioners often offer acupuncture combined with herbal formula to restore balance and thus improve the quality of sleep.

Chinese Herbs for Insomnia

If you have difficulty to fall asleep, it can be caused by liver qi stagnation or qi stagnation in both liver and gallbladder. Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan can be used. It contains herbs include Dan Shen, Shi Chang Pu, Di Huang, Dang Gui, Wu Wei Zi and more. Suan Zao Ren Tang can also be used. It has been traditionally used for insomnia in Chinese medicine. It is suitable for all types of sleep disorders. It contains herbs include Suan Zao Ren, Chuan Xiong, Fu Ling, Zhi Mu and Gan Cao.

If you wake up easily, it can be caused by disharmony between spleen and heart. Gui Pi Wan, an herbal formula can be used. It can strengthen spleen and heart. It contains herbs include Dang Shen, Bai Zhu, Huang Qi, Gan Cao, Fu Ling and more.

Xie Cao (Valerian Root) has been used to reduce night-time sleep disturbances, ease anxiety, and improve the overall quality of sleep in Chinese medicine.

Acupuncture for Insomnia

Many studies have found acupuncture is as effective as commonly used insomnia medications. According to the World Health Organization, acupuncture has shown therapeutic effect on insomnia, but for which further proof is needed (1).

This is a long-term process, you should not expect a quick result. TCM aims to regulate the movement of qi and restore balance in the related internal organs. People who have acupuncture for insomnia not only achieve better sleep, but also an overall improvement of physical and mental health. If you are a do-it-yourself type, you can also try stimulating acupressure points for insomnia on your own.

Health conditions benefit from Chinese medicine
